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Custom Hair Replacement for men and women:


If you are experiencing thinning hair we have a hair loss solution that is right for you.  Our non surgical hair replacement  looks and feels like your own hair! "No need to worry from everyday activities any more! Be as active as you like with our process!"


Our Hair replacement systems for men and women are custom made. Whether it is from male pattern baldness, or medical treatments we have the right solution for you. Our hair replacement has a natural look and feel of actual growing hair made with the best and finest human hair and made according to your life style and specifications. The result is a totally natural hair loss solution that is virtually undetectable to both sight and touch.  Choosing the right hair replacement option is probably one of the most important decisions you will ever make regarding your appearance with how you see your self, and how others see you. 


"Call 609-587-3808 for a complete private consultation and start looking and feeling better about yourself".


Men’s Hair Loss

Non-Surgical Hair Replacement for Men. For men with thinning hair there are a number of ways to take care of your male hair loss. Regardless of your age or hair type, lots of men look towards non-surgical hear replacement as a solution that works best for them. It can restore your hair to being thick, full, and healthy-looking.   At De’Miglia Salon in Hamilton, we offer the latest in non-surgical hair replacement systems for men that are lightweight, comfortable and totally natural in appearance and to the touch.


Womans Hair loss

Women  suffer from the most common form of hair loss – genetic pattern thinning and balding (androgenic alopecia) – there are many other causes that can contribute to female hair loss as well. Hereditary hair loss is of course the major cause of female hair loss and thinning hair in women, but other causes including medical conditions, radiation and chemotherapy, PCOS, and thyroid issues, trichotillomania (a compulsive hair pulling discorder) can all be major factors for a woman loosing her hair.

While there are many conditions that can cause hair loss in women and contribute to it’s accompanying anxiety, it is important to know that there are beautiful, natural, proven hair loss solutions available for women suffering from hair loss, regardless of age, degree or cause of hair loss, or hair type.


Alopecia Hair Loss

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder that often results in unpredictable hair loss. In the majority of cases, hair falls out in small patches around the size of a quarter. For most people, the hair loss is nothing more than a few patches, though in some cases it can be more extreme.  Sometimes, it can lead to the complete loss of hair on the scalp (alopecia totalis) or, in extreme cases, the entire body (alopecia universalis). The condition can affect anyone regardless of age and gender, though most cases occur before the age of 30. 




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Tricotillimania  Hair Loss

trichotillomania is the act of pulling out the hair, The repeated pulling out of hair has been shown to damage the hair follicles. Because trichotillomania is an obsessive repetitive disorder, this means that those with it often experience damaged hair follicles.

If enough hair is pulled out, these damaged hair follicles can affect hair regrowth. As discussed above, the regrowth of hair from hair loss from hair pulling differs in everybody. In some cases, it has been shown to be completely reversible. In others, it is permanent. There appears to be no way to tell which one of the two a person will experience until long after they have quit pulling their hair.

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Radiation Hair Loss

Radiation therapy not only destroys cancerous cells, but may also affect healthy cells in your body. The healthy cells that are most at risk for being damaged by radiation therapy are those that tend to grow at a fast rate, including hair cells. Thinning of hair and, in some cases, complete hair loss may result.  Hair loss caused by radiation therapy may be temporary or permanent. At lower doses, hair loss is often temporary, but at higher doses, hair loss can be permanent.  Each patient's situation is unique, however, and it is not possible to guarantee regrowth of hair even at lower doses of radiation therapy. 

When regrowth occurs, there may be changes in texture and color. It is common for hair to grow back curlier than it was; however, a change of color is less common.

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Chemotherapy Hair Loss

If you are having chemotherapy, your hair loss may be gradual or dramatic: clumps in your hairbrush, handfuls in the tub drain or on your pillow. Whichever way it happens, it's startling and depressing, and you'll need a lot of support during this time. Some chemotherapy drugs affect only the hair on your head. Others cause the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes, pubic hair, and hair on your legs, arms, or underarms.  The extent of hair loss depends on which drugs or other treatments are used, and for how long.  In most cases hair loss begins 14 to 21 days after your first treatment 

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